I use technology every day between my laptop, iPad, and iPhone. My laptop is a Mac, so I am more used to navigating the Apple computers. In high school, I took Graphic Design and 3D Animation, so I am familiar with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Animation softwares. I also had to do many PowerPoint presentations in high school, but I used the Key Note app on my iPad instead of PowerPoint, so I'm not as familiar with that software. I've used Microsoft Word since elementary school, so I think I should be able to navigate that one well.
My major is Elementary Education, so I hope this class can help me discover new techniques in teaching through the use of technology. Technology is constantly advancing, so I expect that this class will help me stay caught up with the latest advances and updates. I want to be able to use technology in the classroom for presentations, when I become a teacher. Hopefully, this class will help me find and understand the softwares that work best for me and the material that I will have to teach.
I have learned that I am a very visual learner. I'll most likely remember things that I see, rather than things I hear or read. That is why I prefer to analyze charts and diagrams than read a summary of the facts. I also remember things more clearly after I've experienced them, rather than after thinking it through. I prefer thinking things out alone first, and then speaking out about my ideas to other people after I have had time to brainstorm by myself. I do not usually enjoy group work, because I don't like to rely on other people to get something done for me. I usually like to take up the bigger workload because I like having as much control over my assignment as I can. I also don't like group work that much because if I make a mistake on the assignment I feel bad ruining it for the rest of the group. However, I understand group work is good for understanding other perspectives and for learning how to work best with others. For the most part, I need to understand the details before understanding the overall concept or picture. I prefer learning concepts over facts, because it is easier for me to remember things that I can easily relate to my daily life.
Your first post is excellent, Melanie! It sounds like you have a very solid technology background. We will discuss many tools that will be helpful in your future classroom.